Mobile Escape Game ETHICS

Operation REGEN ETHICS is launched.

Target ? DELWAYN GENETICS! Multinational, world leader in the fields of agrochemistry and genetic engineering.
You have recovered a highly secure suitcase. Will you manage to open it?
Your mission : recover the data on the illegal actions of the multinational contained in this suitcase.
An actor plays the role of an FBI agent and helps players who need it.
Appointment at L’Hachez-vous has IN PRISON to play as a team and take on the challenge with friends or by meeting new people!
The “ETHICS” Escape Game is an immersive experience that immerses players in a spy film scenario.
Duration : 60 minutes.
Numbers of players :   Between 1 and 5 players per suitcase. 
– Individual place: register alone and play with strangers, a good way to meet people! The price 20 euros per place.
 Reserve a suitcase for your team: register as a team to play with family or friends. The price: from 55 euros per game. 
Limited places!

Aubagne, Chop it up

June 28 from 6 p.m.